Glitter Ball Filler


One gallon of glitter balls in pink, turquoise, purple and green.

On-site, Pickup and Delivery Options

When you check out you will be prompted to choose on-site or off-site event. If your event is off-site, please let us know if you would like to pick up the items or if you'd like us to deliver them.

  • On-site Rental: These rentals are for events happening at The Beacon.
  • Client Pick Up: Choose this option if you are having your event somewhere other than The Beacon and would like to pick the items up and drop them off yourself. We are located at 420 SW 9th St. in Topeka, KS.
  • Delivery: Choose this option if you are having your event somewhere other than The Beacon and would like us to deliver your items to your event site and pick them when your event is through. Pricing varies based on number of items.